The Borg “alphabet” consists of the numbers 0-9, the Latin letters A-Z (including Ð and Ø), and the Cyrillic letters Ч, Ш, and Я. The infinity symbol and several punctuation marks are part of the font but are not considered to be : – — • … ! " ' , - . / : ; < = >
To use this font on your website, add the following line to your <HEAD> : and then apply the class alphanumerics to any Borg text that you wish to be displayed in the Borg alphanumerics font. It is better to use the CSS link instead of hosting the webfonts locally because corrections and refinements are still being made. If you need assistance, contact me via the form at …/php.css.html.js
The font used here is derived from the work of Tommy of Escondido. The following is verbatim from his defunct page, Tommy of Escondido's Alien Fonts Page StarTrek Section (originally at
These fonts are 'Charity-ware'. (Meaning: if you like the fonts and plan to use them, please give a little more than usual to your favorite charities such as the Salvation Army, United Way, or others the next time you have a chance.)
Legal Disclaimer
This web site has no connection with Paramount
Studios or with Warner Brothers studios, and nothing on it is
authorized by them. Furthermore, any VIACOM/Paramount lawyers can, frankly, eat hot plasma, since this
page contains no captured graphics, no sounds files, no scripts, and
nothing else under Paramount or other copyright or trademark
restriction. Font Typefaces can NOT be copyrighted or trademarked
under US law, although the actual code of a font can.